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Solo Mums Village

Together As One

Help And Be The Helper


Connect with people like you

What is it..

A platform that bridges the gap and brings one mother to another.

This is a way to share, support, connect, build friendships, share resources, networks and services with each other in our own village. In real time!

Help and Be the helper

Find assistance & support

As a single mother, the biggest barriers to finding, accepting, and utilising any support is most commonly shame, guilt, or fear of failure.

But, there is a willingness and strong desire from one single mother to another to share and offer support. Solo Mum Village provides a safe and secure platform for all single mothers to access support, provide support to other single mothers, and connect, regardless of geographical location. 

Just For US

Made by mums for mums

Just for us..

As the title suggests, SMV is exclusive to single mums.

The app has been created specifically for us mums that are doing this alone.

We are a unique group; we have different needs and challenges that demand a standalone tool.

From one single mother to another, the understanding and relatability isn’t there unless you are on this solo journey.

SMV focus is connection.

SMV is built on understanding, empathy and support.

We create the village where single mums come together and build a tribe.

how it works

Simple As – One – Two – Three – Done!

In SMV each member creates a profile and joins the village.

Us single mums are extraordinarily knowledgeable, resourceful and resilient. The skill set we possess is so valuable and often underutilised.

SMV creates a space that not only brings together all these skills but allows us to share and help each other!

Members ‘post’ a task (anything at all big or small-into the appropriate category/tab) Members then communicate/chat privately for more info/arrange/agree.

Members then ‘picks up’ the task.

Each member shares, exchanges, offers support for anything and everything.

No money is exchanged.

Create Your Task

Creating a task is easy!

Simply add your task name, select a category and a description. Nominate the area of your task – close to home, work or elsewhere needed. Then select a date your task is required by, and DONE!

Post Your Task

Once you’re satisfied with your post, you can simply click it to live and other SMV community users can now see it and respond. 

Connect With Others

When your task is posted you can recieve and respond to other users who may need more infpormation or who may be able to help you. This can also be used to answer questions for users. 

Task Completed

Once your task is accepted by a user and completed, they will be able to indicate to you that the task is completed. Once you are also satisfied that the task is complete, you can simply slide the completed button and its done! 


Free Listings & Support

Once your an SMV member, you can list as many requests as you need to, with no additional cost. You can explore and assist other users for free. 

Connect With Others

Review the user requests and filter by area or speciality to see who you can support and assist with their needs. 

Explore Solutions with Forums

Browse over the topics of the forums and offer your opinons and experiances for others to learn from. Or, create your own topics for people to add their comments too and discuss. 


What You Get

Location Based

Find other members in your area who can assist you with your tasks. And help others that live in your area. 

Moves With You

If you move permanantly or just headed away on holiday; you will find the SMV will be in your area to help when you need it. 

Likeminded Support

There are people just like you that have needs and experiances just like you. You will find likeminded people in your SMV community.

Forums & FAQ's

Create your own or join another topic thread to discuss important issues and explore solutions to challenges. 

Endless Support

It’s all free! List and accept tasks to help other single mums for free. Pay it forward by offering your skills and knowledge to others. 

Solid Reviews

You can review clear feedback on other members and how they were able to support each other. Be fair, be kind, be honest. 

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